Monday, October 12, 2009

All H!P fans quiz! Feel free to copy and make your own!

Here's my answers to the quiz:

1)When did you become a H!P fan?
In late 2008. Haha! Haven't been a fan for that long, but I know A LOT of songs.

2)How did you become a H!P fan?
When I was looking for Shugo Chara stuff, I found three girls dancing in a classroom. And I was like "I know this song! It was one of the end songs!" It turns out they were Buono and I loved all they're songs so I listened to more groups :P

3)Why you love H!P?
Soooo many reasons...

4)In your opinion, what's the best way to show your love for H!P?
Force other people to listen to it.

5)Who's your fave H!P member?And why?
Momoko Tsugunaga. She's adorable and she's the first I liked from Buono! and she's my Peach-chan ♥

6)What H!P unit is your favorite?And why?
Berryz Koubou because none of them are bad singers (cough*saki*cough*sayumi*) and I don't hate any (besides Miyabi, a little)

7)Who is your fave solo H!P artist?And why?
Koharu Kusumi. She's always smiling and her voice is unique.

8)Your Fave H!P song(or single or album)?And why?
3, 2, 1 Breakin' Out. Because it's so different and it always makes me want to dance.

9)Had you ever met H!P memeber(s) in person?(not including public performance such as concerts or musical)
Not really but I used to talk Koharu Kusumi on a website.

10)If you could meet your fave H!P member(s), what would you do?
Say "Konnichi wa!" and they'd probably say a bunch of japanese crap that I don't understand and there'd be awkward silence and then I'd say "Konnichi wa!"

11)Had you ever go to H!P concert(s)? If you had, what concert did you attend?
No -.- I wanted to, but it was too far away

12)What H!P products do you buy most often?

13)What's your most-valuable H!P treasure?
Shouganai Yume Oibito limited edition version's my only H!P product xD

14)How did you get H!P vids and music?

15)Had you ever dreamed about H!P member(s) in your dream?
Yes! I had a dream I was in Morning Musume and I talked to Kanon Fukuda!

16)Leave your message for H!P:
HAVE AN AUDITION FOR MORNING MUSUME IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Wait, this isn't a question!)


  1. Don't hate on Miyabi! She rocks! XD Also she's very goo friends with everyone, especially Risako, Chinami and Captain ^^

  2. I don't hate her, but I don't love the way she sings and her haircut.

  3. Here's mine:
